Friday, December 17, 2004

Holiday Happenings...mowing the lawn and cell group

I mowed the lawn, fun, it took almost the whole day: from 10:30 to 12:40 and then 2:00 to 5:00. We have such a huge lawn, so it was big work, but I finally finished. My dad says that I should feel satisfied that I worked so well, but I think my after-feeling was one of more relief than satisfaction.

In the middle of mowing, I found Toby harassing a lizard, one of those beautiful blue and yellow, colorful ones. He was throwing it around and it landed on it's back, kicking it's legs about. I felt sorry for it and ran over, pulled Toby off and picked the lizard up. He didn't seem too badly damaged except for two bloody holes near it's tail. The guy just stuck his head up at me and opened his mouth real wide, as if trying to intimidate me...hehe...brave dude. I showed Ally, who wanted to touch it but didn't want to get bitten, but I don't think it was going to bite. Besides it wouldn't hurt much if she did get bitten since lizards have such small teeth meant only for crushing bugs and stuff. So anyway, I let him go outside the gate so Toby couldn't find him again.

The cell group people started coming around 7:05; Jono, Sean (sp?), Arthur, Antoinette, Keelin, Tom, Jo, Pam, Rob and Tracy, Boise, Kole, Kylie, Thulani and that other girl, Graeme, Ryan and his cousin, Donald? were those who came. It was pretty cool. We watched the second video in the I Kissed Dating Goodbye series. It was titled "Purity" and was dealing with remaining sexual pure, as well as in thoughts and other things. Very good series, I must say. That lasted about 50 minutes, then we began discussing...cell was cool. This time I actually told them that there's coffee and food, so it all got eaten (last week I had neglected to mention anything and nothing got eaten). People started leaving around 10:30...Sean realized that she had locked her keys in her car, so I went and got a wire hanger and Rob proceeded to demonstrate the uselessness of Solex locks. It probably only took 5 minutes of work before he caught the latch and popped the lock. At least Sean got into her car, but it sure makes me question the security of our cars...So the last of them left around 11, and that takes my day to the present where I'm writing now.

I'm excited about Kylie's birthday party tomorrow, should be good...60+ people 6pm to 1am. Although Dad doesn't think I should stay out so late, but I see no problem as long as I catch up on the sleep I miss. It's the holidays after all! I'm gonna spike my hair, use UV gel, do some kanji drawings on my arms and stuff...gonna dance like mad!'s been awhile since I've done that...too long! But I need some sleep now...until tomorrow night!!!

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