Wednesday, January 31, 2001

How should sports players be disciplined?

Convicted felons should be allowed to return to prior positions as professional sports players.  They need a job, and probably worked much of their life in pursuit of their sports career.  If players slap, spit on or abuse the coach then they should be fined.  If they continue to misbehave they should loose their playing position and sit on the bench.  Paying no heed to any of these should then result in losing their job as a sports player.

Monday, January 29, 2001

Most Important School Subject

The most important core solid to me is Science.  I really enjoy Science a lot.  The branches such as Biology, Zoology, Physics & Chemistry interest me that most.  I wish that in earlier grades I could have taken more specified sciences, instead of just Science in general.  There is not much more that corresponds with the question that was asked to me.

Friday, January 26, 2001


The choices one makes in his or her educational development affects their life rather greatly.  If one chooses to slack off at school, they will probably not go to college, and may end up flipping burgers at McDonald’s.  Many sports people will be just fine if they get a bad education, because they can get a job as an athlete.  But, when a studious person graduates from college with honors and gets a job, the job will be one that they like, and probably a well-paying job.

Wednesday, January 24, 2001

Is After School Detention Effective?

It is true that after school detention is an effective way in dealing with classroom misbehavior.  However, it should not be given to a student with three tardies, because there are many students who are well behaved, but are occasionally late.  They do not wish to be late, but it happens to even the smartest of people.  If detention is received for tardies, it will hamper the student’s ability to complete all homework given, especially a student in the GT program.  In order to make up for the lost time in detention, the student would stay up late, lose sleep, and not do as well in school the next day.

Tuesday, January 23, 2001

If I Won the Nobel Prize...

If I won the Nobel Prize or a Rhodes scholarship I would like it to be in chemistry for discovering a new element.  It would be an element from another planet or outer space.  Some planets might have different elements because of their escape velocity.

Monday, January 22, 2001

If I could write the first words spoken on TV across America

If I could write the first words spoken on TV across America.  I’m not really sure what I would write.  It would be an honor to do the aforesaid action.  I suppose I might write something about Jesus.  John 3:16 says that God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son that whosoever believes in Him will have everlasting life.  This nation was built on the Bible.  It should remain that way.  Jesus is the way.

Friday, January 19, 2001

Mental Vs. Physical

I think mental acuity is more important than physical fitness.  The mind is stronger than muscle.  If you set your mind to it you will be better prepared for something.  It’s kind of like the story of the tortoise and the hare.  The hare didn’t really want to win real badly, so he slept and goofed around.  While the hare messed around, the tortoise was working hard, was focused, and wanted to win even if others thought he couldn’t.

Thursday, January 18, 2001

If My Favorite Band Lived Next Door

If my favorite band, DC Talk, lived next door to me, it would be really awesome.  I’d ask them about what they are trying to get across to us on some songs.  They would probably put me on a CD, because they have done that for previous neighbors.  They would probably really like talking to me about God.  They might even give me some free CDs.  It would be great if I helped them with making lyrics for some song.

Friday, January 12, 2001

Most Important US Document

The most important US document is the Declaration of Independence, because if the colonies hadn’t declared independence they wouldn’t be able to have a constitution or change the government without King George’s consent.  The natural rights are our rights ever if they are not written down.  No one can take those rights away even if their government says we do not have those said rights.  Unless they kill you…

Thursday, January 11, 2001

Thomas Jefferson on Public Debt

I, however, place economy among the first and most important republican virtues, and public debt as the greatest of the dangers to be feared. - Thomas Jefferson
Thomas Jefferson means that if you owe other countries or people, you will not be able to do quite what you want to.  Your first obligation in that situation is to pay off your debt, but then you will have a lot less money and can’t get what you want.  You might even be very vulnerable to inflation, and high trade prices, etc.

Wednesday, January 10, 2001


If the freedom of the press is limited it will no longer be freedom.  With freedom comes great responsibility, which the American culture has abused and misused.  The founders of the USA never intended us to use our freedom by doing what is wrong and then as an excuse say that America is a free country.  Ever notice how shows like Jerry Springer have demented perverted people on there?  The excuse they always give is that they can do anything they want.  Do not abuse your freedoms!

Tuesday, January 9, 2001

Most Important Invention

I think the most important invention is the human being.  There are several reasons why.  One is because God is the ultimate inventor and creator of inventors.  Human beings can invent and discover all they want, but they and their lives are more important than any of those.  The light bulb, automobile, microwave, and any other invention would not have been made without us being there.

Monday, January 8, 2001

Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow

Yesterday cannot be changed because it is history so make sure you do what is right because if you do wrong you cannot go back and change it.  Tomorrow is almost totally unknown to us so it is a mystery.  The only way to solve that mystery is to wait for tomorrow.  Today is a gift that God gave you; a wonderful gift of life and a new day to start afresh.  Make the best of it!

Friday, January 5, 2001

Future Obituary

A missionary to Africa born in Harare, Zimbabwe.  Started churches in the rural areas of Zimbabwe.  While preaching in Somalia he was arrested by the government for trying to convert people.  He was told to renounce his faith or be tortured.  Jordan refused and was martyred by loss of blood from being whipped and beaten up.